Category Archive: happiness

@kissmehere and there! and there! and there! Kissing Booths FTW!

@kissmehere and there! and there! and there! Kissing Booths FTW!

Last night at makerlab we were talking about dating sites a bit – commenting on how strange it was that they didn’t leverage social networks. For fun today I threw a fun idea together as a test of how to make dating more social. It isn’t terribly serious but perhaps amusing. I like to combine talk with praxis. Here it is:


Biomimetic signaling in Twitter

Biomimetic signaling in Twitter

Anselm: Have you noticed how it is that the beasts in nature can in some circumstances appear to move as one? Socrates: Indeed. One has to look no further than to witness the swifts descend upon the Chapman chimney tower in Portland.


tshirts for the thesis

tshirts for the thesis


Commmunity in Watch Advertising

Commmunity in Watch Advertising


OMG I fell off the planet

OMG I fell off the planet

Hey all, So I have not been posting quite as much as I would like to these days because I have been spending all of my …


Can You Listen to the Sea?

Can You Listen to the Sea?


Friday Night/Sat Night Music::: Sir Head Fake Selector & Sir Rolling Dollar Selector & Gentleman Matthew

Friday Night/Sat Night Music::: Sir Head Fake Selector & Sir Rolling Dollar Selector & Gentleman Matthew

Musical Masterpiece :: Downtown Librarian plays Uptempo Soul and African Funk Friends – This weekend, if you find yourself near: Valentine’s Friday 1/23 Tiga Saturday 1/24 Drop in and …