Category Archive: cyborgs



Augmented Reality isn’t just an academic or even safe exercise. It connects in a very primal and critical way to who we are as humans.


GOSH (Grounding Open Source Hardware) in Banff

GOSH (Grounding Open Source Hardware) in Banff

A global meetup, across all disciplines- creative, strategic, user experience based and business-minded. The Grounding Open Source Hardware (GOSH!) Summit at The Banff Centre serves …


Paige’s MFA Exhibit is up

Paige’s MFA Exhibit is up

Hey everyone I am going to try hard and pick back up with my life now that school is done! I wanted to post some links …


Olson code timezones geekery

Olson code timezones geekery

The backstory is that the OpenBSD folks wanted help to automate configuration of timezones for installs. What we did was take the geolocation of their IP and use it to look up a timezone code.


Thomas Dolby’s Airwaves

Thomas Dolby’s Airwaves

Strange how the scale forms in tiny patterns on my antenna and the Five O’clock Show, hello hello… Brooklyn is crawling with famous people I turn my vehicle beneath the …


@kissmehere and there! and there! and there! Kissing Booths FTW!

@kissmehere and there! and there! and there! Kissing Booths FTW!

Last night at makerlab we were talking about dating sites a bit – commenting on how strange it was that they didn’t leverage social networks. For fun today I threw a fun idea together as a test of how to make dating more social. It isn’t terribly serious but perhaps amusing. I like to combine talk with praxis. Here it is:


Biomimetic signaling in Twitter

Biomimetic signaling in Twitter

Anselm: Have you noticed how it is that the beasts in nature can in some circumstances appear to move as one? Socrates: Indeed. One has to look no further than to witness the swifts descend upon the Chapman chimney tower in Portland.