I am making a tshirt that talks about the wearable computers I make for people. If you want one, email me. We can work something out.

tshirts for the thesis
18 Feb
This entry was written by paige, posted on February 18, 2009 at 6:41 pm, filed under happiness. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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Newer: Biomimetic signaling in Twitter
Anselm: Have you noticed how it is that the beasts in nature can in some circumstances appear to move as one? Socrates: Indeed. One has to look no further than to witness the swifts descend upon the Chapman chimney tower in Portland.
I would really like one. Very much.
What is the idea of this t-shirts, I am doing a reserch on t-shirts and the ideas behind the messages that it contains