Monthly Archives: November 2008

Donna Haraway – Sensorium

Donna Haraway – Sensorium

In Donna Haraway’s essay in Sensorium (embodied experience, technology and contemporary art) she begins by remarking that “worldly embodiment is always a verb”. And that “in formation, it is ongoing, dynamic, situated, and historical”. That “its infoldings of the flesh are comprised of heterogenous partners”. To qualify she illuminates “the infolding of others to each other is what makes up the knots of what we call beings, or perhaps better , following Bruno Latour, ‘things’. Things are material, specific, non-self-identical, and semiotically active”.


‘Place Making’ by Anselm Hook

‘Place Making’ by Anselm Hook

I periodically like to scoop up Anselm’s work and re-post it places. Mostly because he is freaking brilliant and I am not sure if people really understand this. Here is an essay he wrote back early in 2007 when we were first becoming good friends. It stems from part of his now legendary amount of work in the world of locative media (numerous projects…)


Non-Places: Now with *New* Anti-Sticking Enzymes!

Non-Places: Now with *New* Anti-Sticking Enzymes!

We are inhabiting a NON PLACE and making it a PLACE! (In humanspeak, Paige and I are at the Logan Airport in Boston, Ma, waiting … from Media Lab makes everything a-ok from Media Lab makes everything a-ok

This BackChan tool is amazing. I had to capture screen-shots of the back channel at the conference. Lots of interesting questions, not all of them …


Back from MIT. Mighty Immense Trip

Back from MIT. Mighty Immense Trip

I just returned from the


A Short Trip Inside MIT’s Media Lab

A Short Trip Inside MIT’s Media Lab

A lot of times we wait around for technology to just “appear” like we see in films. But if we continue to do that, nothing …


The world I am existing inside right now #foe3

The world I am existing inside right now #foe3

streaming tags from futures of entertainment.