MakerLab Blog » recipes Go on, be curious Thu, 14 Mar 2013 06:30:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Snowcamp at Makerlab – Red Lentil Soup with Greek Yogurt Mon, 15 Dec 2008 01:41:26 +0000 Today it snowed. Not a lot, but enough that people were talking about it all day and it added a lot of mood and fun to the whole darn day. People drove around scared to death and nervous, and happy to be warm when they finally got to where they were going. Anselm and I shopped all morning for our usual event and ended up buying a new set of knives (he got the 50.00 set, I got the 12.00 set) a cheap-ass food processor and a bunch of veggies.

Snow and Makerlab and Delicious Soup

Each Sunday when we meet I make some food for us, usually a soup. The food usually goes over very well! It’s fun for me since so much of the last few years of my life have been all about learning new skills on the internets and I miss making things in the real world. Making food for my friends on Sundays fills a void (many hackers can’t hack the foods and are too busy with projects) and makes me happy ’cause I live alone and don’t have much cause to cook for myself. Or desire too, to be honest.

Snow and Makerlab and Delicious Soup

Anyway, here is what I made today:
(note: I cook to my taste, not the rules whatever those may be)

Red Lentil Soup with Greek Yogurt

  • lots of red lentils (4-5 handfulls rinsed)
  • One white onion chopped
  • 6 cloves garlic in slices
  • Finely sliced carrot
  • Lots of olive oil
  • Dash of sesame oil
  • Vegetable broth to taste
  • Cumin to taste
  • Turmeric to taste
  • Salt/pepper to taste
  • Greek yogurt (with honey if you are wacky like us)
  • Avocado
  • Coconut milk

I mixed up the onion, garlic and carrot in the olive oil with salt and pepper and fried all of that up till it was golden and slightly smushy. Then added the lentils and water and brought the whole thing to a boil. Then I added lil bit of sesame oil, the cumin and turmeric and mixed that together. Then I added a half can of coconut milk.

This cooked up very nicely and was ready to plate very quickly. A small scoop of yogurt in the bowl and the soup poured over this, then a couple of slices of avocado on top.

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