Comments on: Makerlab Go on, be curious Wed, 06 Jan 2010 19:06:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: paige Sun, 18 Jan 2009 00:34:44 +0000 Yes! I didn’t even think about the link sharing sites. Sites like BoingBoing and Slashdot and even Delicious have reshaped how I read news entirely. So many of these sites are ones that I have just incorporated into my life. But I wondered how many people know about these sites or is it still a mostly tech audience?

By: youknowwho Sat, 17 Jan 2009 02:50:29 +0000 Great list!

My favorite social+media sites:

OK it’s a protoblog, maybe even the first blog with a commenting system(?) and a platform, but anyone can submit stories and comment, and if you’re registered you can moderate too. Slashdot has the most interesting conversations about science, policy and technology going on anywhere.

OK, it’s a blog too, but it has varied invited bloggers, at least one podcast, you can suggest stories, it features breaking news around the world, and it has active commentary. Mostly, though, it’s the stuff you absolutely want to know about, including the sources it reblogs from, and the most collectible gear and artwork.
