Amber, I am reading William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition
and I dig it. It started out stronger than it’s turning out to be, and the pacing of the story is a little slow-going but in general there are some really nice bits.

william gibson, pattern recognition
Thanks. I have yet to read it. It would be excellent to borrow it when you are finished, but I am still working on Bots: Origin of New Species.
I remember loaning that to you like a month ago. Bet you are working on a couple of books at one time. I found that book in the free pile at Powells Technical back in June of 07. I LOVE it!
I am wondering more about this book. Darn — I wish I could mind share it with you!
We should do that! Just merge brains. Man that would be radical.
The BOTS book is so unusual too. The way the author approaches the topic of cultural/life genesis. It reminds me of microbiology and viruses and bacteria. The notion of small life forms and the power that they have. It totally reverses our traditional concepts of ‘life.’ This kind of book proves our inherent ethnocentricities and totally shows that ‘life’ and ‘living’ are concepts and constructs that we choose to place on certain characteristics and not others.
HA I just had a whole conversation yesterday about this book, certainly it’s wonderful — the best part is that character, cayce. A friend was remarking that he loved how she filed down the eyelet logos on her Levis.
I feel like I’ve owned that book forever. I reread it recently (just after meeting Amber) and was instantly reminder of her! Now I can’t disassociate the two in my head.