Tag: foe3

backchan.nl from Media Lab makes everything a-ok

backchan.nl from Media Lab makes everything a-ok

This BackChan tool is amazing. I had to capture screen-shots of the back channel at the conference. Lots of interesting questions, not all of them …


Back from MIT. Mighty Immense Trip

Back from MIT. Mighty Immense Trip

I just returned from the


The world I am existing inside right now #foe3

The world I am existing inside right now #foe3

streaming tags from futures of entertainment. http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23foe3


Amber Case Makes a Yahoo! Pipe for #FOE3

Amber Case Makes a Yahoo! Pipe for #FOE3

Way to go Amber Case! Yay! A feed for everything related to the Futures of Entertainment Conference. Hope it includes flickr! Source File: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=399e69f406db2d525d9742bb1c419c3f badge for the pipe for …


future of entertainment: henry jenkins opening statement

future of entertainment: henry jenkins opening statement

My rough rough notes from Henry Jenkins http://henryjenkins.org/ opening statement at Future of Entertainment 3 “Amazed I was, it made such sense, and it was at so …