Reproducing Chuck Close isoluminant paintings.

The work of Chuck close demonstrates an almost algorithmic perception of the visual image. One wonders if in fact he actually sees the world in this manner. There’s a quality to this work that creates a tension with human perception. We are seeing the overall sense of an image but the individual features of that image are in a way unrelated.

chuck close closeup

What does it mean for a view to apprehend this image? At what level does a viewer understand or appreciate the emphasis on process? Does the viewer appreciate the aesthetics apart from the labor? How can a viewer appreciate the image more deeply?

For me I thought that if I tried to re-create the visual feel of a Chuck Close that I’d develop some understanding of his experience. I wrote a series of quick tests using the processing library. After many revisions ( which you can see on flickr I ended up with this result:

isoluminant paige saez chuck close

Although crude I felt this started to represent some of the understanding of his work. My understanding of his accomplishment grew. I also came across a great paper that looked at this in more detail – talking about technical qualities of Chuck Close work and doing a more accurate reproduction:

One of my earlier revs shows the amount of process I went through – first using random scatter plots, then trying to stay more on a grid, trying to introduce noise, and trying to work closer and closer to many of the attributes that Chuck Close exhibited. I found that it was difficult to make the computer generated image sufficiently dirty or noisy to approximate the feel of a real canvas.

paige isoluminant older test

My own source code was a more modest attempt and as usual here it is:

PImage a;

int w = 454;
int h = 480;

void setup() {
  a = loadImage("/Users/anselm/p3.jpg");

int x = 10;
int y = 10;
int sizex = 12;
int sizey = 12;
int count = w*h;

void draw() {
    x = int(random(0,w/10)) * 10;
    y = int(random(0,h/10)) * 10;

  count = count - 1; if ( count < 1 ) { count = w*h; }
  color c = a.get(x,y);
  float h = hue(c) + random(10) - 5;
  float s = saturation(c) + random(10);
  float b = brightness(c) + random(10) -5 + 20;

  sizex = 12;
  sizey = 12;

  x = x + int(random(0,3)-1);
  y = y + int(random(0,3)-1);
  sizex = int(sizex - random(0,3));
  sizey = int(sizey - random(0,3));
  ellipse((int)x,(int) y, sizex,sizey);

  x = x + int(random(0,3)-1);
  y = y + int(random(0,3)-1);
  sizex = int(sizex - random(0,3));
  sizey = int(sizey - random(0,3));
  ellipse((int)x,(int) y, sizex,sizey);

  x = x + int(random(0,3)-1);
  y = y + int(random(0,3)-1);
  sizex = int(sizex - random(0,3));
  sizey = int(sizey - random(0,3));
  ellipse((int)x,(int) y, sizex,sizey);

  x = x + int(random(0,3)-1);
  y = y + int(random(0,3)-1);
  sizex = int(sizex - random(0,3));
  sizey = int(sizey - random(0,3));
  ellipse((int)x,(int) y, sizex,sizey);

One Comment

  1. Posted July 9, 2009 at 8:54 am | #

    Awesome! I want one!

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